Workplace Leadership and Coaching

Drive the changes required to compete for your company’s future.

Are you ready to lead and manage effectively?

Two challenges are critical for leaders to achieve business success today: the need to get results and the need to retain those who achieve results.

In today’s rapidly changing and diverse business climate, how do we effectively lead and manage people who are the organization’s most important resource? We answer this in our new program, Workplace Leadership and Coaching (WLC).

The WLC program helps you develop a coaching process that allows you to take a diverse group of people, expand and grow their unique talents, keep them satisfied and motivated, and, most importantly, retain their talent in this competitive environment.

For pricing, please contact us at

You may be eligible for a grant of 100% of tuition costs. To learn more, Click Here.

Great coaches have the ability to take their team from where they are…to where they need to be.

Our 8-week program includes valuable material on:

  • Improving Performance and Results

  • Clarifying Goals and Expectations

  • Motivation

  • Communicating Effectively

  • The Role of Positive Reinforcement

  • The Power of Scorekeeping

Workplace Leadership & Coaching (WLC) Schedule

Course coming July 2024!

Due to the nature of public training, Leadership Dynamics, Inc. reserves the right to cancel public classes which do not meet a minimum attendance requirement up to two business days before the class date.

*All courses are now hosted through Zoom and Google Classroom.

To keep updated on our upcoming classes, sign up for our newsletter below: