
Our Vision

We positively impact our world by facilitating the release of the potential of the human spirit. We develop empowered and effective leaders who enthusiastically serve the needs of their families, their organizations, and their communities through the realization and achievement of worthwhile, predetermined goals.

Our Purpose

  • We facilitate the transformation of our client’s dreams into reality. We help our clients to identify, clarify, prioritize, and execute their most important personal, family, and organizational goals.

  • We optimize human and organizational potential through the development and application of unique individual talents to create interdependent, synergistic relationships.

  • Our unique process provides the necessary structure and tools to successfully grow people and organizations through the missionary, promoter, management and CEO stages of successful organizational development.

Our Mission

We empower our clients, communities, and ourselves to seize the fulfillment, happiness and abundance we are all intended to enjoy through the realization and actualization of worthwhile, predetermined goals.

Paul Brown

Paul Brown is the President and CEO of Leadership Dynamics and author of Seven Steps to a Life of Significance.

Learn more about Paul Brown

Our Team

Our team is here to help you unleash your full potential and achieve your goals. At LDI, we believe in utilizing our staff’s unique talents and abilities to create a company culture that is adaptable to each clients individual needs. Read more about our team members’ specialized skills below

Learn more about our team


At LDI, we are honored to develop empowered and effective leaders who positively impact their organizations, communities, and families. We facilitate the transformation of our clients’ dreams into reality through our unique process of goals identification, clarification, and prioritization. Our process equips you to achieve your most important personal, family, and organizational goals. You can find fulfillment, happiness, and abundance through the effective realization of your own worthwhile goals.

Proven Success

Here are just some of the successful companies who have benefited from the LDI process.

Learn more about our success stories

Training Grants

While employee training tops most companies' wish lists, costs can be prohibitive. That's where the Workforce Training Fund steps in by partnering with Massachusetts companies to underwrite up to 50% of an approved training program. All of LDI’s courses featured on our website are pre-approved for the express grant.

Learn more about Training Grants  


Do you want to discover your purpose in life? Do you know what brings you true joy and motivation? Are you looking for true meaning and significance? Paul Brown’s book, Seven Steps to a Life of Significance, will guide you through the process of developing a vision and building a balanced life securely founded on what matters most to you, with practical tools to realize your full potential.

Learn more about our insights

Partners & Friends

LDI is proud to partner with:

  • North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce

  • Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce

  • The United Way of North Central Massachusetts

  • The 15-40 Connection, an organization that specializes in the early detection and treatment of cancer

  • The Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts

  • The Ron Burton Training Village, an organization that seeks to enrich the lives of challenged youth

  • The American Red Cross of Central and Western Massachusetts